An environmentally safe way to clean

GuardIt Soy Safe Degreaser is a heavy duty, low foaming, hard surface degreaser specifically formulated using the latest revolutionary soy solvent technology to remove grease, dirt and soot from all surfaces.

soy safe eco degreaser

Developed as a superior alternative to dangerous chlorinated or caustic based products, GuardIt Soy Safe Degreaser is a special low foaming, industrial strength cleaner and degreaser that combine safety with effective cleaning. Because of its low foaming properties, it’s ideal for use with pressure washing equipment and auto-scrubbing machines.

GuardIt Soy Safe Degreaser is an innovative degreaser with excellent eco-friendly properties. It is non-toxic, readily biodegradable and contains no VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds).

Safe to use
The product is non-flammable, non-hazardous, non-corrosive and non-toxic. It has low / virtually no odour, is non-carcinogenic and is not an irritant or sensitizer, which makes it totally safe to use.

An “Eco-friendly” solvent
Complies with Australian Standard AS4351 and is readily biodegradable. Is non- toxic and has no VOC’s according to EU directive 1999/13/EC, which gives the product an excellent environmental profile.

A powerful solution
It has high solvency power, and effective cleaning power for a wide range of applications. It’s an aggressive industrial cleaner for floors, hard surfaces, equipment, machinery, kitchens and vehicles etc.

before a clean, bluestone cleaning images before clean

Before a Clean


After Cleaning

Soy Safe Degreaser benefits:

Non-toxic Non-flammable Non-corrosive Non-irritant No Phosphates No Volatile Organic Compounds Readily Biodegradable Eco-friendly Easy to apply High Solvency

Covering letter Guardit solutions Degreaser